What type of BDSM bottom are you? There are so many flavors and situations in a kinky dynamic it can be confusing. Indeed, not all types are going to appeal to you, and when you see some dynamics, you might think that BDSM is not at all for you, and yet other depictions interest you. One of the best things you can do before meeting with a dominant is to know more about who you are and where your psychological interest begins. You can start some kinky exploring right here in just a few minutes.

One of the things that has kept me drawn to being a professional dominant over the decades is just how diverse these psychologies are. Sure, sometimes people develop kinks from trauma, but more often, it’s from a pleasant memory that just stays in one’s mind. Certainly, there isn’t a singular mindset or a “standard” session routine. When someone says, “Just do a typical play session for a beginner,” I am at a total loss. There is no such thing. In seeing some common archetypes, you can better understand how important it is to know yourself and communicate as such.

I’ve divided (and conquered!) four different BDSM bottom psychological approaches with included sub(hah!)-categories, all in a simple quiz for you to try. Of course, you will be a mix of the archetypes, and this is just my opinion from my anecdotal evidence. Consider it a fun way to level up your kinky self-awareness and get your wheels turning.
What kind of bottom are you?
Let’s play 20 questions!
Which one did you get?
Do you agree with the answer? Why or why not? This quiz is not scientific nor definitive, but a way to start a conversation. Post a comment with your result below.
Ready for some more kinky exploring? Schedule a video call with me for a consultation. If you are in Paris, you can see me in person.